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Implementing Effective SMART SECURITY 2022 EXPO

SMART SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS will be the highlight of SMART NATION 2022 Expo, which will be held from 27 - 29 September 2022 at the Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC). Themed: “SMART SECURITY: REAL TIME SECURITY & PROTECTION”. It will be the landmark event that will signal Malaysia’s next economic leap into the next digital age...

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Implementing Effective Warehouse Management & Industrial Revolution 4.0

Warehouse management does not just deal with the storage of goods but also has implications on risk-bearing and management, pricing, etc. What does Effective warehouse management & IR 4.0 entail? Effective warehouse management involves controlling various aspects of warehouse operations, from receiving and storing items to retrieving and shipping them. Effective warehouse management is an integral part of manufacturing...

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Attracts the right target group in the science and technology industry. Investors, venture capitalists, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, distributors and the corporate sectors make their way to ITEX specifically to explore new business ventures. ITEX is the best place to unveil a new invention or product.

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Past Events

Food & Hotel Malaysia 2022

The special edition of FHM 2022 will feature new elements highlighting plant-based food, Industry 4.0 and biodegradable products, putting more emphasis on hygienic products and services. The event also will be accompanied by educational seminars, live cooking demonstrations by celebrity chefs, plant-based food demonstrations as well as see the return of special events such as Wine & Spirit, Pastry...

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CT Event Asia brings you this exclusive and innovative platform whereby key experts from 5G Ecosystem will engage for a two-day conference to highlight how Malaysian Industries can harness the ultra-fast connectivity of 5G to better serve their customers, offer new products and services, reduce costs, and reinvent the business model.

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Industrial Transformation

HANNOVER MESSE focuses on industrial transformation, which is driven by two megatrends: digitalization of industry an reduction of C02 emissons. Digitization covers topics such as networking, data analytics, the Internet of Things, platforms, artificial intelligence and IT security. Companies that want to remain globally competitive must take advantage of digitalization to develop, manufacture and sell products faster and...

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Build Your Business to Suit Your Business Strategy

Today there are a dizzying variety of options for business systems like product lifecycle management (PLM), customer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise resource planning (ERP). For most companies, choosing these systems happens at most every 10-20 years, so selecting one to suit your business at any given time in its growth trajectory represents a challenge, and depending on where...

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