It takes into account many kinds of waste, including the waste of excessive human motion, and aims to integrate each step of production into a holistic, efficient process that reduces cost and improves overall revenue
It takes into account many kinds of waste, including the waste of excessive human motion, and aims to integrate each step of production into a holistic, efficient process that reduces cost and improves overall revenue
Unpanned downtime in manufacturing is one of the primary scenarios that most facilities strive to avoid.
Manual data entry is one of the biggest headaches in companies from different sectors. Manually processed tasks are more susceptible to human errors, which interfere directly with the performance of results. That is because inaccurate information hinders leaders in...
Technology and employee demands are changing the nature of how we work forever. So what does that mean for you?
The automotive industry has been a frontrunner in the race to install Industry 4.0 into daily business processes. It is easy to see why: The technology opens up doors for significant improvements in efficiency and quality.
Manufacturers are on a digital transformation journey toward the smart factory. The smart factory represents a leap forward from more traditional automation to a fully connected and flexible system—one that can use a constant stream of data from connected...