Survey on Industry 4.0 Adoption Journey 2021
It has been three (3) years since the launch of Industry4WRD – The National Policy on Industry 4.0, to drive the digital transformation of the local manufacturing and related services sectors. The plan came with fully subsidized Readiness Assessment Programme, grants to finance Industry 4.0 projects, free training courses, and nationwide roadshows/webinars promoting Industry 4.0, and many other initiatives.
In terms of measurement, big questions we need to ask are – Are we ready for it? Have Malaysian manufacturers and manufacturing related services started their Industry 4.0 journey? What are their challenges for adoption?
Digital Transformation of manufacturers is vital for Malaysia to compete in the global market. Insights into the Industry 4.0 adoption journey would enable us to connect the SMEs, Solution / Technology Providers, Trade Associations, and Government Agencies to formulate strategies and
programmes to address any gaps or concerns.
BIZSPHERE, partnering with Industry 4.0 drivers- Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC), unifi Business, Aresys Industries, Emerging EPC, ICA 40, Monitor ERP, SHRDC, and SmartB Solutions have decided to initiate several programmes including this survey to bridge the digital gaps for SMEs to advance themselves into Smart Manufacturing.
This online survey was opened from 7th October 2021 and concluded on 24th Oct 2021. 10,000 businesses including companies which are part of the Industry4wrd Readiness Assessment Programme were invited to participate in this survey. The survey focuses on 3 key components namely present Industry 4.0 initiatives, challenges (People, Process, Technology, Finance) in adopting Industry 4.0 and government incentives.