The Road Ahead with Industry4wrd Roadshow reaches Melaka and it was held on the 25th Aug 2022 at the Hotel Ames, Ayer Keroh. More than 80 participants registered for the event. The programme has added an highlight with the presentation from Melaka Economic Planning Unit sharing its vision to be a smart city by year 2035 or “Pelan Strategik Melakaku Maju Jaya 2035”. It will be based on 5 strategic thrust of “TERAS”. SMEs wishes to know more about the plan can log on to

Smart4wrd Industry 4.0 driver – Emerging EPC shared their smart manufacturing implementation project case studies with participants and gathered high interest from the participants. Mr. Yap Keng Teck – Programme Directror of Smart4wrd who is also the Technical Committee Member of MITI Industry4wrd Readiness Assessment made the closing remarks. He summarised the key take home values as well as sharing critical consideration when embarking into smart manufacturing. “There is no reason why sme not registering for Industry4wrd readiness assessment program or embark into smart manufacturing journey when most of sme concern on people, process, technology and funding has been addressed.” says Keng Teck.

SME manufacturers who needs support on the smart manufacturing journey are urged to contact MPC or smart4wrd for information and guidance. 

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